Sunday, February 18, 2024

SCA-Pinata in Period

 Pinatas in period


The origin of the pinata is difficult to determine.  Some theorize that it came from China because Marco Polo wrote about similar items he observed on his travels, people crafting figures of cows, oxen or buffaloes of straw or earth and decorating them with colored  paper, filled them with seeds and hitting them with sticks. This was to celebrate the beginning of spring and the plating season. 1  This celebration was called Dachunniu.

However, we do have to take with a grain of salt as there are many myths to what Marco Polo broght back, such as pasta.  In the paper “From the Dachunniu to the Piñata: Tracing the Alleged Chinese Origin of a Mexican Tradition” Yong Chen  goes over the possible connections. 2

Another origin could be the Lenten almsgiving by the rulers of  Kingdom of Naples and the Two Sicilies.  These alms were placed in simple cookware known as pignatta, an Italian word meaning “earthenware cooking pot”, and derived from the Latin word pinea, “pine cone” based on their shape. These pots would be broken open and the poor would receive their alms. Thus, the first Sunday of Lent became known as “Pignatta Sunday”.

The European piñata tradition was brought to Mexico in the 16th century by missionaries. The Aztec has a similTió de Nadalar tradition to celabrate the birth of the god Huītzilōpōchtli. Augustinian monks there modified European piñatas and created the Las Posadas tradition in 1585 to co-opt the celebration in efforts to convert the local populace.

Pinata-like Traditions

This is a list of traditions that are similar to the pinata, along with any holiday association and simple description.  Further research is needed to see if there is any connection to the pinata.

Slå katten af tønden in Denmark-Christmas- in which a wooden barrel is struck to release candy.

Tió de Nadal in Catalonia-Chrismas-A log is hit to release candy.

Dahi Handi in Maharashtra India-Krishna Janmashtami-Clay pots filled with buttermilk, money or treats are hung in public squares or on streets at a height implicitly challenging youngsters to break them 

Uri adithal-Southern India- Pot breaking with blindfold

Suikawari-Japan- splitting a watermelon with a stick while blindfolded

hampas-palayok or pukpok-palayok – Philippines - played during Filipino fiestas and traditional parties (e.g., birthdays), in which a clay pot filled with treats and/or prizes is used. 

đập nêu (pot-hitting)  Vietnamese.


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Avatar : Legends, my thoughts after a few sessions

I Kickstarted this project after it appeared on line and here are some of my thoughts.   Note that this isn't a review, but just my experiences running this for the Friday night gaming group I'm in and moving from D&D 5E to this.

I did explain before starting that this isn't like D&D.  Playbooks aren't character classes but more of how you PC looks at and interacts with the world.  You play out what you want to do, not just say it.

Before I started session one, I shared all of the books, playbooks, and associated pdfs with my players, hoping they would read them.  Alas, when I got to the table most hadn't.  For some it was the format, for others it was the overwhelming number of things I sent.

Then on to session one,  as many didn't get through the rules there was a misunderstanding of how the campaign and the choices they had to make.   This lead to confusion and detachment from the game as I as GM made choices that the players should of.   Next time I will give them the quick start rules, giving a lot less material to go over.   

When I came to the choosing and customizing playbooks, everyone had a good time and felt connected with their PCs.  This I liked but question section had one drawback that came out later, what happens when a player quits.  This happed between session 1 and 2, leading to detachment from the group and the guardian to pick a new ward.   This is a my table problem, not something that the rules can nor should account for.

The balance track and combat exchanges are confusing at first, but after a few sessions it made sense. The combat cards, sold separately from the main book, really are a help.  Id recommend picking them up if you're running the game.

All in all, its a good RPG with a few quirks. I'd run it again in a heart beat.

Some suggestions for the Magpie Games, put the balance and fatigue tracks on the side of the playbooks.  That way players can slide paper clips up and down, much like the bullet and wound tracking in Classic Deadlands.

Here's a link to the publisher's page on the game

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Online RPG resources

Making a list for myself of what tools I use when I GM.


Owlbear Rodeo at


Dyson’s Dodecahedron at

Wizard of Jersey at


Monday, March 7, 2022

Critical Role

 In February, I started watching Critical Role season 1 hoping to up my DM game a bit and steal some ideas.  I've come to some realizations.

1. I'm not half bad at being a DM and every game I've played in was fled well.

2. I'm no Matt Mercer and I don't want to be him.   I have my own styles and I like it.

3. Planning and combat just takes that long. I shouldn't rush my players.

4. I can up my descriptions and voices a bit.

Maybe I'll post more on this latet.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

D&D Homebrew World Lore-Orcs

What if I were told you everything you knew about orcs was wrong?

Sit and listen to my tale...

Far removed from the nomadic raiders that the bards tell of, exists the city state of Ag Mushnudh.   During the Age of Rebirth the Gnomish god Garl Glittlergold made a wager with Gruumsh, the orc god of conquest, survival, strength, and territory, that he could steal a tribe of his worshipers from him.

The proud god accepted and told Garl he had a year,   Garl smiled and said "I don't need a year, as I already have them."   With a snap of Garl's fingers the god were transported to s secluded valley filled with gnomes and orcs,   There was laughing and singing but not from the gnomes.

"My people has taught them farming and irrigation.  The bounty of the land has softened their need for conquest.  No longer raiding as their hunger was no concern, they have turned to music, art and emotion."

The orc god vowed revenge but that is tale another for a time

Orcs in my world are ruled by their emotions.  In the savage tribes they follow anger and envy but ones raised in other civilizations feel a tempest of strong emotions.   The don't have a crush on a sweetheart but a torrent of passion, they don't get irritated but go into a white hot incandescent rage and the saying "Even an orc would not know my grief" speaks for its self.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

DMing D&D

 This are some notes about the Friday night game that is on hiatus.

Dangling story hooks

1. The goblins being paid in electrum pieces.  The agent that hired the goblins paid for their service in a strange coinage of electrum.  No one has ever seen this minting nor currently used electrum coins.

2. The Shattered Crown of Fallen Kingdom of Elgad. When put thogeter and placed on some one's head all the "Stones of the Crown" will call out the name of the wearer and proclaiming them as the one true king.   They found two of the three pieces but the agent that hired the goblins is looking for the pieces as well.

3. As a reward the party received a deed from MacCeardadh trading company for a townhouse.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

From the depths of Lj-Aug. 19th, 2009

Since someone's blog keeps mentioning Zombies, I have decided to generate a campaign idea around it.

Paris, France-1890 A.D.

Three months ago the gates of the city were shut to stop the Grey Death spreading to the rest of Europe. Observation towers were built outside to make sure none of the infected escaped. A week ago, a light appeared at the Eiffel Tower. The light signaled in Morse Code, "We have the cure. Extraction needed." Since then no signal has appeared. Your patron wants you to go and find who signaled and retrieve the cure. He will provide an airship that can dock at the Tower and will retrieve you when you signal.

So there you have it. Zombies, zeppelins, steampunk and the City of Lights. Feel free to use it if you want, I currently don't have the time to develop it.