Sunday, January 27, 2013

#42 Barbary Coast Cocktail

Welcome back!

Now first I need a small favor, it won't cost anyone any money and it will make a lot of people happy.  If you read my posts, share them on Facebook  twitter or what have you.    OK, so I did fib about making a lot of people happy but increased readership will make me happy.  Now on two the drink....

It's my best guess that this drink wasn't named after the southern Mediterranean coast that the US fought two  wars during Jefferson's and Madison's Presidencies, made famous in the Marines' Hymn.   (The bit about the shores of Tripoli, for those who don't know)

I think it was named after a redlight district in San Francisco in the 1850s.  Full of gambling, prostitution  rime, gambling and other vices.  The earthquake of 1906 destroyed most of it and then what was left  was cleaned out in 1917.

Barbary Coast Cocktail

1/2 oz Dry Gin
1/2 oz Imported Rum
1/2 oz Creme de Cacao
1/2 oz Scotch
1/2 oz Sweet Cream

Shake well wit cracked ice and strain into a 4 oz cocktail glass.

Pouring the white and frothy mixture into the glass it I smell the gin and scotch but nothing else.   As for the taste, let me put it to you this way.  Have you ever just placed your palm on the keys of a piano?  It creates notes but no harmony, just like the taste of this drink.   I say avoid this one.

Next up:  #43 Baron Cocktail

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cocktail #40 Bamboo Cocktail

Is it an evil species of grass or a delightful cocktail?   If you want to know read on.

First, I do have a plea for help.  I need one 12 oz Tom Collins glass, does anyone want to give/get me one?    Drop me a line if you do.   Heck, if you want to help me out I could post a wishlist if there is a big response.

Bamboo Cocktail

1 1/2 oz of Sherry (I used dry sherry)
3/4 oz of Dry Vermouth
1 dash of orange bitters

Stir with cracked ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

We had some guinea pigs guests over tonight and I made this drink for them.  Heck, after the Baltimore Bracer I gave them the honor of trying theirs first.

It was beautiful orange color and smelled delightful.  It tasted even better, sweet without being cloying; a bight taste for a dark winter's night. Everyone who tried it enjoyed it.  I recommend you try this one out,.  I know I will revisit it soon.

Now to take out the trash and go to bed.

Next up: #42 The Pan Galac  Barbary Coast Cocktail

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Cocktail #38 Baltimore Bracer

Happy new year all!
 Its good to wish 2012 goodbye and say hello to bight shiny new 2013! Lots to look forward to this year, the Olympics, the Presidential election, and a new Batman movie!

 What do you mean that was last year?!?! I missed posting about those?!? Crud...lets see.

We've got the Superman reboot and Iron Man 3, I bet more good stuff will happen too. You're kidding me.....the Smurfs 2? Oh I see now, its going to be like every other year. But enough of that, on to the cocktail!

Baltimore Bracer

1 oz of Anisette
1 oz of Brandy
White of one egg

 Shake well with cracked ice and strain into a 4 oz cocktail glass.

Now according to the website Cocktails of the World a bracer is an archaic name for a cocktail. I wonder if Baltimore has a history of importing brandy. A quick Google search brings up the singer Brandy's concert and a Raven's cheerleader named Brandy, so that proves useless.

It looks frothy and inviting, so I take a sip.  Now I taste why this isn't on any menu.  The Anisette overpowers the Brandy,  maybe its the quality of the Spirits I'm using.  I doubt I'll revisit that anytime soon.

Now what should do I do with the leftover yolk?

Next up:  #40 Bamboo Cocktail